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 Communicate for Life

People.  Purpose.  Passion.


Speech Pathology neuro-rehabilitation for adults

Training and supervision for professionals


Speech Therapy  |  Neurological Rehabilitation  |  Home and Community Visits

Speaking.  Listening.  Reading.  Writing.  Voice.  Swallowing. 

Social Communication skills


At Communicate For Life we strive to provide contemporary speech therapy for communication, voice and swallowing skills with adults. 

We enjoy what we do, seeing you achieve results.  We listen to you, apply evidence based practise, design speech pathology programs responding to your  needs. 

We believe communication matters.  

It richly connects us to life. 

Response to COVID-19 Corona virus

At Communicate for Life Speech Pathology we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 Coronavirus situation    and taking all necessary precautions as advised by health authorities.  


To help you stay safe and stay at home your therapy supports are available to you online


We expanded our tele-health video services so your therapy supports are consistently accessible.  

Telehealth services are an evidenced based alternative mode of service

when people are not able to attend therapy in person. 


We can all work together and play our part to stay safe and stay at home during this time.  We've supported our clients to successfully switch to telehealth with multiple platforms you can use.  Our team are happy to answer your questions about telehealth videoconferencing or seeing a therapist in person during this time.   Together we can support each other in our community. 


We're open 

Our response to COVID-19 Pandemic


At Communicate for Life Speech Pathology we are taking precautions as advised by health authorities.  


Our telehealth video services have expanded so your therapy supports are consistently accessible.  

 Our team are happy to answer your questions about telehealth or seeing a therapist in person.   

Together we can support each other in our community. 


Your therapy is available online

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About Us

Jacqui Raymond,  Principal Speech Pathologist

 Member MINT, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers

Jacqui completed a degree in Speech Pathology at La Trobe University. She has worked broadly across the health sector for the past 20 years including clinical treatment, health service program and policy implementation.  Jacqui completed postgraduate studies for a Master of Public Health.  She's worked as a Senior Speech Pathologist in public and private hospitals including St Vincent's, Eastern Health, Cabrini Health, Donvale Rehabilitation and was instrumental in launching a Parkinson's voice clinic at Cabrini Hospital in Melbourne in 2014.  She is also a Member of Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT Inc).


She enjoys designing and delivering speech pathology neurological rehabilitation and has LSVT certification for Parkinson's voice treatment.  She participated in several Australia wide (NHMRC) Speech Pathology clinical research trials for aphasia.  She also offers professional supervision and training in Speech Pathology and Motivational Interviewing.


Jacqui likes travelling, having great laughs with family, and

finding joy in our shared humanity. 


Home: About

Speech Pathology for Adults

People.  Purpose.  Passion.

Communicate For Life provides a range of speech pathology rehabilitation services for adults online and in Melbourne's Eastern suburbs.  


If you find yourself frustrated with your speech or voice in the work place, fatigued with trying to communicate, concerned by a complex swallowing problem, feeling lost at a party or can't join the conversation, want therapy tailored for your personal outcomes, contact us to learn

what speech pathology can offer you. 

You can gain more control of your speech, swallowing and communication. 

You can learn new skills and have your say in life.

Cheerful Seniors

Home visiting services
Telehealth online

We come to you!

Lots of people tell us they can't believe the difference a home based service made to their therapy.  We often hear people say they have more energy to focus on therapy and achieving results, rather than trying to travel, wait, or find a car park.  Contact us about our tele-health and home based services, we're happy to assist you.


  • Save your time 

  • Invest your energy where it counts

  • Apply your skills at home where it matters

  • Watch your confidence grow

Home: Services

You can self-refer.  Contact us directly for a private appointment.  
Medicare, DVA and NDIS funded services require a referral from your Doctor, GP, or NDIS plan manager.

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We assist people with:

Brain injury
Primary Progressive Aphasia
Early onset Alzheimers
Primary Brain Cancer
Complex dysphaiga
other neurological conditions

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We provide therapy including:









Social Communication Skills 

Communication Partner Training Home management programs

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We are registered with:





We are Certified Practicing Speech Pathologists

and members of

Speech Pathology Australia

Home: Referral

Professional Supervision & Training

Services for professional supervision in Speech Pathology and Motivational Interviewing

At Communicate For Life we enjoy sharing life long learning with our colleagues. 

Professional speech pathology mentoring and supervision for speech pathologists and health professionals is a private, personalised service to access support you need, build confidence in your career, and hone your skills.


We offer individual training, small groups & workshops for Motivational Interviewing.


We like to keep the quality high and only offer a limited number of places.

Confetti Storm

Contact Us

Communicate for Life

Jacqui Raymond, Principal Speech Pathologist

Melbourne East

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Fax: (03) 8740 1254

Mobile: 0418 353 195

P.O. Box 61 The Basin VIC 3154

Communicate For Life


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